Cost and value for hearing aids—how do you find the best combination? You can always contact us at Injoy with any hearing aid questions. Our years of experience will come in handy for your understanding of hearing aid functionality and pricing.
Plus, the Injoy licensed specialists are not only dedicated to 100% customer satisfaction, we also like to make the process fun.
When it comes to buying hearing aids, there’s sticker shock and there’s a happy place. Nobody likes the former, including us. So let’s take a look at your happy place.
Hearing Aids Cost: The Numbers
Hearing loss sucks, no matter what the cause. Your health and quality of life can greatly improve from a hearing aid if you begin noticing the signs of hearing loss.
The cost of hearing aids can suck, too—if you purchase them from the wrong provider. The average price of hearing aids is $5,000 and up. Breathe, it’s ok, because those higher prices come from your brick and mortar locations. When you go in-store, you pay more.
At Injoy, we literally refuse to charge that much. It’s absurd. So we offer the Cadillac (or whatever luxury brand of fine-Corinthian-leather awesomeness you like to drive) of hearing aids- Injoy hearing aids. All the bells and whistles, all the functionality, at 1/2 the price.
Booyah! Let’s repeat that. Injoy behind the ear hearing aids are half the price of in-store hearing aids. Our prices run from $1,595 to $2,395 dollars per set. That’s it. Take a peek if you want, we’ll wait.
Find out more about buying affordable hearing aids online vs brick & mortar

What’s included in the cost of Injoy hearing aids
We know that $1,595 to $2,395 isn’t chump change. It’s an investment in your quality of life, and your connection with your family and friends. Helen Keller put it best when she said, “Blindness cuts us off from things, but deafness cuts us off from people.”
Injoy hearing aids can help you stay connected to this wonderful world of laughter, stories, songs and more. We ensure your investment gets you the most value for your hearing aids cost with the following benefits.
Address 90% of hearing losses
Not all hearing aids help with specific hearing loss. For example, some only help with high-frequency hearing loss—which happens with aging. Or, the appliance only helps mild to moderate hearing loss and can’t amplify for more severe cases.
The truly low-ball products, some of which you can’t even truly classify as a “hearing aid,” offer basic amplification only. Sometimes the old saying “you get what you pay for” applies; so make sure what you pay for gets you what you actually need.
High listening and physical comfort
When working with our manufacturer, one of our most important features is ensuring this amazing hearing aid is comfortable. It might work great, but if you didn’t want to wear it then what’s the use?
So, we made sure our open fit design makes your ear give a happy sigh. Other companies have designs with the potential for occlusion or plugged up sound. Pay attention to how the speaker fits into your ear.
And as always, feel free to call us about fitment and ear comfort. We’re nerds about quality and will tell you everything we can so that, no matter what, you can make the right choice for your situation.
Not seeing is believing
Is the hearing aid nearly invisible? If the answer is “no,” you should seriously consider whether or not you want it. Our Injoy hearing aids are practically invisible, so you can wear them with confidence out on the softball field, in the conference room, at the kids’ recital, or out for the evening.
Rechargeable batteries with a 5 year life
Our Injoy hearing aid sets come with rechargeable batteries. Every night just plug in the rechargeable batteries while you sleep, and they’re good to go in the morning. The Injoy rechargeable cells should last you 5 years. Most others only make it 3 years. Value? You bet.
Don’t mind us if we humble-brag for a bit. Our technology is cutting-edge by design and in design. Injoy hearing aids carry all the features—all the features—in every unit.
During your Injoy consultation phase, you can choose which ones you want and which ones you don’t. We won’t charge you more to turn on those “extra” features that your hearing aid already has. Other companies frequently do, and that’s no bueno in our book.
Our manufacturer is also one of the world’s leading hearing aid technology companies. Together, their precision and our experience create a technology platform that is accessible, affordable, and excellent.
Technology part 2: cool stuff
Yeah, ok, the quality is massive. But the things you can do?! Injoy hearing aids are compatible with both Apple iOS and Android devices. You want to have your phone connect to your Injoy hearing aids? Do it. Period.
We’re bluetooth compatible too, going both ways!
- Want to listen to music, podcasts, or maybe an audiobook from your bluetooth device (notebook, laptop, phone, cool James Bond wristwatch that’s also a laser and a bandsaw)? Do it.
- Want to use your Injoy hearing aids to hear and speak in that Zoom/Google Meet/Facetime meeting? Do it.
- Hands free conversations by connecting to your bluetooth device through your Injoy hearing aids? Do it!!
Satisfaction Guarantee
We want you to be 100% happy. We need you to be. It’s our goal, our company mission, and our daily mantra. Our customers are our everything, from the hearing aid design to the customer service to the happy feedback that makes our day.
What you should get for the cost of your hearing aids
Two things affect the online purchase of affordable hearing aids: the service the online seller provides, and the quality of the product.
Our licensed audiologist & hearing specialists work hard to make sure your experience and purchase with us are the best in the business. Here’s how we do it.
Talk to a real person
There’s no reason that buying hearing aids online should mean going it alone.
You should be able to talk to a person, discuss your situation, and ask questions. This process is all about you. At Injoy, a consultation with one of our licensed hearing specialists is the first step—not the last.
We’re a group of industry veterans excited about the ability to do our jobs in a tele-hearing/remote care model. We have a passion for not only helping people, but making our process as easy as possible.
So we’ll talk with you about your situation, openly and honestly. Anyone selling hearing aids should do this and be willing to say whether or not hearing aids sound like the right choice. Service first, sales second.
True hearing test
A hearing aid is too important to only rely on customer-provided tests or online tests that are less accurate. The online company you’re considering should consider your needs as their first priority.
You can take our quiz to first investigate your hearing issues from your perspective. Seriously, you wouldn’t be reading this if there wasn’t something about your hearing—or a loved one’s hearing—that was causing you concern.
Injoy then offers a hearing test that’s completed by licensed professionals during the activation process. This “in-situ” hearing test is used to custom program your hearing aid so that it performs specifically for your needs.
Full functionality, period
Brick and mortar stores, and some online retailers, frequently charge additional fees for the “extras” already built into your hearing aids. They have to “turn on” the functionality. The reality is, those extras are already there. Turning them is meaningless.
The hearing aids you get from Injoy already have full functionality included in the cost. Your consultation and hearing test will help determine which of those you actually need (or want).
Say no to factory presets
Here’s a fact that any true, licensed hearing aid specialist will tell you: a factory setting on a hearing aid is not right for your situation. You should have each setting customized to your needs while the hearing aid is in your ear. There’s no low price that’s worth compromising on that point.
If your prospective online retailer only sends the hearing aid with presets that they can’t or won’t adjust themselves, keep scrolling. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Visual contact with your licensed professional
Not expecting this point, were you? The fact is, you should actually see your licensed hearing specialist as you work with them to adjust your new, fabulous hearing aids. Visual cues—along with your answers—aid the specialist as they customize your settings.
With Injoy’s app installed on your phone, we’ll meet face-to-face in a virtual consultation to walk through putting in the hearing aids and the fitment. Next, we’ll explore all the settings and functions.
You don’t have to figure it out alone. If you do—that’s not the right online company. Make sure the one you choose actually helps you through every step of the process, and is willing to do it visually too.

Smart, fast shipping
When you order your Injoy hearing aids, we get them to your door in 2 to 3 days. Not a business week, not a month to be shipped from a foreign country. You will get your Injoy hearing aids in 2 to 3 days. This expedited shipping is part of our hearing aids cost, not an extra.
We know you haven’t gone through the whole process, including the hardest part—admitting you have hearing issues—just to be forced to wait even longer.
You are important. Your hearing is important. We understand this and get your hearing aids to you asap.
No-burn return policy
The fact is, some hearing aids may just not work well for you. That’s ok—it’s not you. It’s the hearing aid.
Many hearing aid companies have a very limited time for you to “test run” your hearing aids. Some brick and mortar stores give you even less time.
At Injoy, we give you 30 days, so that there’s zero risk for you to really give them a solid test run. Plus we’ll check with you during that time to see if you need help with adjustments or have any questions.
And the refund? Don’t worry about it—because we didn’t charge your credit card in the first place! Our “real no-risk free trial” means just that. You risk nothing. And if you return your hearing aids to us within that 30 days, that’s it.
Flexible payment options
Injoy offers helpful ways to finance the purchase. PS—these ways won’t rob you like some other financing done by hearing aid providers.
For example, Injoy uses Bread PayTM. Bread PayTM offers eligible Injoy customers payment plans that meet their lifestyles and financial needs. Pay for your order in 12 months for as low as 0% APR*. Or, 18 months at competitive rates, or 24 months at competitive rates*.
Zero percent APR for a year? Yeah, that’s kind of groovy. Plus, we don’t hide the fine print, because we hate fine print. It’s not fine at all. Here’s the asterisk extra info for you:
*Subject to approval of credit application. Rates range from 0% to 29.99% APR, resulting in, for example, 18 monthly payments of $60.05 at 9.99% APR, per $1,000 borrowed. APRs will vary depending on credit qualifications, loan amount, and term. Bread PayTM plans are loans made by Comenity Capital Bank.
This deal is the real deal
Hearing aids cost less when you go online at Injoy. It’s a factoid, the dealio, chock full of truthiness. We will save you money—half the price of brick and mortar. Cheap hearing aids that aren’t cheap in quality or service. That’s Injoy.
Buy Injoy. Activate Injoy. Enjoy Injoy.
We know that losing your hearing wasn’t part of life’s plan, and neither was buying hearing aids. Our team makes things simple and helps you find a long-term hearing aids solution at less cost to you!
Injoy creates custom hearing solutions based on the unique needs of our clients. Our team is the best in the business—having helped people across the country find hearing solutions for several years. Improve your hearing and improve your life today by contacting Injoy!