You’ve noticed something’s not quite right with your hearing aids. Maybe you’re asking people to repeat themselves more even when you’re wearing them. Or your new phone doesn’t want to connect or stay connected to your devices. Or one function no longer works, but they’re still otherwise good, right?
You’re not alone. As of 2019, almost 33 million adults in the U.S. suffer from hearing loss. That means several million people just like you are using hearing instruments to improve their hearing. That’s a lot of hearing aids just in our sweet, sweet part of the world pie.
Those hearing aids eventually fail. Or the user needs them to function differently or perform better. We completely understand that at Injoy Hearing. Our licensed audiologists help people every day improve their hearing. Schedule a free consultation, and we can talk about what you’re going through.
Read on for five common signs you’re needing new hearing aids.
A Change in Hearing Ability
First and foremost, your hearing aid has to help you hear better. If your hearing ability has altered and it doesn’t seem to be doing what it’s supposed to, this could be one of the signs you’re due for a new pair of hearing aids.
They may be fairly new and have worked brilliantly. Then suddenly, you notice you’re not hearing as well as you did when you first purchased them. If that has happened with your Injoy hearing aids—The Workhorse, The Choice, or The Security—we’re so sorry you’re experiencing issues.
First, check your setting via our phone app, and see if something has changed. Then, contact us, and one of our certified audiologists will join you on a call or video chat (like when you first got your Injoy hearing aids) to do a diagnostic check of the hearing aids.
If your hearing aids check out as fully functional and in good working order, take our free hearing test and see if there are any changes since the last time you took it.
If that doesn’t point out any issues, it may be time to see your primary medical care provider about your hearing loss. There could be an underlying health issue causing it that needs to be addressed.
Should your Injoy hearing aids be the issue, your 3-year warranty will get them fixed asap and back to you for improved hearing! If they’re older hearing aids or not Injoy hearing aids, we can replace them for you for as little as $52 a month (The Workhorse tier of premium hearing aids).
And if it’s a medical issue, our licensed audiologists can help you adapt settings to your situation for the best possible resolution.
Learn more about replacing my hearing aid.
Unexpected Medicinal Impacts
Not only can sickness or injury cause hearing loss or degradation, but certain medications can also change your ability to hear clearly. According to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), over 600 drugs have been linked to hearing loss!
For example, AARP states that some common painkillers, like Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, and others, can contribute to tinnitus and hearing loss, more so if you use them two or more days a week.
These ototoxic medications can damage your ear and/or nerves associated with hearing. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association says the usual first sign that your medicine is doing something to your hearing is when you notice a new ringing in your ears. This tinnitus could be a sign of ototoxicity, and you should contact your medical provider asap.
Sometimes, there’s no getting around the medication. Don’t worry, Injoy is there with you. Contact us, and our licensed audiologists will remotely make the necessary adjustments to your hearing aids to help you enjoy the sounds of life to the fullest. Also, The Choice and The Security tiers of Injoy hearing aids have specific software, Tinnitus Balance, to improve your hearing experience.
If your current hearing aids can’t be adjusted, or the company you purchased them from doesn’t provide personalized help, that could be one of the signs you’re ready for a new set of hearing aids.